Natural Order was made possible by the generous support of government organisations, philanthropic organisations, groups and individuals.

This project has been assisted by the Australia Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.

Special Thanks
Alana Shootingstar
Alice Williams
Amy Abbott
Angus Ng
Ashley Curry
Aunty Rhonda Dickson-Grovner
Carolyn Grant (Avviso PR)
Christie Woodhouse
Clare Wynne
Daniel Potter
Digby Hughes
Donna Abela
Dr. Jonathan Bollen
Emily Calder
Exodus Foundation
Felicity Nicol
Felicity Oswell
Gemma Bastiani
Helen Campbell
Irene Selmon
Jimmy Dalton
Judith Bowtell
Judy Harwood
Katherine Boydell
Katherine McKernan
Kay Armstrong
Kevin Ng
Kristina Tito
Lex Marinos OAM
Lucille Grant
Luke Yager
Michael Manuell
MNR Construction
Natalie Rose
Patrick Boland
Paul Walker
Prof. James Arvanitakis
Reverse Garbage
Ross Gray
Simon Hunter
Sulu LeoNimm
Swop Clothing Exchange Newtown
Tegan Arazny
Tracy Woolacoot
Virginia Wilson
Vivienne Skinner