We need your help to reach another stage.
"I didn't feel like I was participating before, now I feel like I have friends." - Penny*
If you believe in what we do. The people we help. The communities we work with - we need your help to bring our work into the next stage!
“She laughed more, participated more, shared stories, –like a flower opening –sense of no stopping her after that” - Facilitating Artist
By joining our Backers Box you will be directly supporting people we work with like Penny to contribute ideas, share stories, and engage in creative expression within a safe and supported environment.
The impact of your ongoing support will mean we can do more! This is a unique opportunity for you to be involved in making a significant difference over the next three years to over 150 people who have experienced homelessness. We want you to be part of the Milk Crate Theatre family, you'll be invited to shows, rehearsals, forum and to our celebrations and events.
The difference you can make is huge.
We are looking for twelve amazing supporters to form our new Backers Box - each donating $2,000 per annum for the next three exciting years of Milk Crate Theatre's growth. Every step of the way you will be kept up to date and hear of our successes - and encouraged to join us to experience all the fun and amazing creativity of our community.
If you would like to join our Backers Box please click on the link below to submit your pledge.
If you would like to learn more and speak to us about the difference you can make to Milk Crate Theatre by joining our Backers Box please call (02) 9698 7133
or email Jodie Wainwright, CEO on jodie@milkcratetheatre.com
*Name has been changed to protect privacy of the participant.