Milk Crate Theatre, in partnership with a range of organisations operating in the community engaged arts space, and Social Ventures Australia, are undertaking a multiphase project to develop a shared outcomes framework. We will measure the social impacts of creative practice and then pilot the framework across a range of organisations. This project will take place over 4 phases.

Photo by Robert Catto from Milk Crate Theatre and Box of Birds: SOLACE, 2023.
"We believe a collective approach to impact measurement will provide community engaged arts organisations the opportunity to demonstrate their tremendous capacity and ability to create real change in people’s lives."
- Social Ventures Australia & Milk Crate Theatre
We held two sessions in Phase 1:
Session 1: We engaged with key community arts funders and a cross-section of arts organisations to understand existing funder priorities. We then held a 3 hour session with 12 organisations to learn more about current practices, and identify opportunities and aspirations for future phases of the project.
Session 2: We held an online presentation focussed on the high level insights from the first session, with input from funders and reflections from the project group.
Scroll down to access the Phase 1 report and email if you were not able to attend Session 2 and wanted to be sent the recording.